More underground fun this week….apologies to Cold War fans (there will be something nice for you next week, watch this space….).
We avoided the water for a change and instead had to contend with knackering 02 levels, panting like a marathon runner for four hours gets a bit tedious and if that wasn’t annoying enough, false floors too!!
The false floor I would have in fact have fallen through had it not been for the discovery of something interesting just a few feet away which delayed my progress. They aren’t that rare in mines but they certainly are in this type of mine, this one was about 20ft long x 16ft wide by 10ft deep and half full of water so crashing through would have been ‘interesting’ to say the least. Other notable items included some of the most bodged ceiling supports I have seen for a long while, a case of ‘use whatever is laying around’, one of the strangest was a Cog made from what looked like snapped concrete fence posts!!
It was nice to get out to 02 rich air to be honest, but we’ll be back…
Usual rules apply…No names, no locations, just pictures of somewhere. Please don’t ask for locations as refusal often offends
False Floors and ‘floating’ brick Piers